About the project

Dark Sky Deep Sea reimagines the blue ocean as the black cosmos where glowing planktons and sea creatures appear like stars and otherworldly beings. It follows a protagonist as she goes and explores a deep abyss and encounters unpredictable creatures within. She is a projection of myself as I search for answers deep within me.

It is based on two photo series – Swallowed (2020) and Close Encounters (2021). The photos and videos were taken spontaneously underwater in the islands of the Philippines, where I was born. The series Into the deep (2019) is the prologue to this project.

The project was first exhibited during the Arles Off Festival 2021 and then as part of the official selection of InCadaquƩs Photo Festival 2021. Swallowed video was also shortlisted for the MAP Toulouse Prix du Film Photo in 2021. In total, about 1,500 people have experienced the exhibit in person.

This virtual exhibit (2023) is an extension of the project and invites viewers to dive deep into this imaginary world and into themselves.